L o a d i n g
Laravel 8  Eloquent Relationships Tutorial   Many to Many Relationship BackEnd Development

Laravel 8 Eloquent Relationships Tutorial Many to Many Relationship

This is Part 3 of our Laravel 8 Eloquent Relationships Tutorial

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Let's start by creating the database table necessary
php artisan make:migration create_subjects_table
php artisan make:migration create_student_subject_table

go to app/database/migrations:

Schema::create('subjects', function (Blueprint $table) {
            $table >id();
            $table >string('name');
            $table >timestamps();
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Schema::create('student_subject', function (Blueprint $table) {
            $table >id();
            $table >foreignId('student_id');
            $table >foreignId('subject_id');
            $table >string('grade') >nullable();
            $table >timestamps();
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copy and save

run migration to create tables
php artisan migrate

check in your database if successful

Now let's create the model of comments
php artisan make:model Subject

Many to Many Relationships

Go to app/Models and open the student model and the comment models

define the many to many relationship
in Models/Student.php

public function subject()
        return $this >belongstoMany('AppModelsSubject');
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in Models/Subject.php

public function student()
        return $this >belongstoMany('AppModelsStudent');
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this will define the relationship between the two models

using the StudentController we made in part 1 lets create the function to create 3 subjects under 1 student

go to app/Http/Controllers/StudentController

public function store_subject(){

        $subject = new Subject;
        $subject >name = 'English';
        $subject >save();

        $subject = new Subject;
        $subject >name = 'Math';
        $subject >save();

        $subject = new Subject;
        $subject >name = 'Science';
        $subject >save();

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this is for example purposes of creating multiple subjects only

create routes in app/routes/web.php

Route::get('/subjects/store', [StudentController::class,'store_subject']) >name('storeSubject');
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in your browser go to http://localhost:8000/students/store/comment to create 3 entry in the database

it should look similar to:

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Using the two tables students and subjects lets save info to the student_subject table

check first if connection is successful by doing this

public function index(){
        $student = Student::find(1);
        dd($student >subject);
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Result should be empty and similar to this:

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it is empty because there are no associated subjects for any user

Now let's create associations from subjects to student

go to app/Http/Controllers/StudentController

public function store_student_subject(){

        $student = Student::find(1);

        $student >subject() >attach(1);

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create routes in app/routes/web.php

Route::get('/students/store/subject', [StudentController::class,'store_student_subject']) >name('storeStudentSubject');
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go to http://localhost:8000/students/store/subject to run the code

it should look similar to:

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Hurray you have successfully attached one subject to one student!

Now go to http://localhost:8000/students to see if the the subject is connected to the student

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Now let's create associations from subjects to student by passing an array

go to app/Http/Controllers/StudentController

public function store_student_subject(){
        $student = Student::find(1);
        $student >subject() >attach([2,3]);
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The result would be 2 rows of newly created associations for student id 1 with subject id 2 and 3

Now go to http://localhost:8000/students to see if the the student is now associated with 3 subjects

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Now that we know how to add associations let's try and remove one!

Lets create the controller and route to detach associations

go to app/Http/Controllers/StudentController

public function detach_student_subject(){
        $student = Student::find(1);    
        $student >subject() >detach(1);
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create routes in app/routes/web.php

Route::get('/students/detach/subject', [StudentController::class,'detach_student_subject']) >name('detachStudentSubject');
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go to http://localhost:8000/students/detach/subject to run the code

it should look similar to:

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Now go to http://localhost:8000/students to see if the the student is now only associated with 2 subjects

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Hurray you have successfully detached one subject to one student!

Now lets try to use sync to simultaneously attack and detach subjects using 1 script

To test it out let's first add one more subject to be attached to the student

go to app/Http/Controllers/StudentController

public function store_subject(){
        $subject = new Subject;
        $subject >name = 'History';
        $subject >save();
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go to http://localhost:8000/subjects/store to run the code

You should now have 4 subjects

And now lets try and use sync

go to app/Http/Controllers/StudentController

public function store_subject(){
        $subject = new Subject;
        $subject >name = 'History';
        $subject >save();
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create routes in app/routes/web.php

Route::get('/students/sync/subject', [StudentController::class,'sync_student_subject']) >name('syncStudentSubject');
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Now the associations should only be subject id 2 and 3 but after we run this code the associations should be for subject 1, 2 and 4

1 and 4 was attached while 3 was dettached and 2 remained using sync

go to http://localhost:8000/students/sync/subject to run the code


go to http://localhost:8000/students to see if the the student is now associated with subjects 1, 2 and 4


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Hurray you have successfully used sync to attach and detach subject to one student!

Now let's try toggle and do this quickly:
Create routes and controller:

public function toggle_student_subject(){
        $student = Student::find(1);    
        $student >subject() >toggle([1,2,3,4]);
Route::get('/students/toggle/subject', [StudentController::class,'toggle_student_subject']) >name('toggleStudentSubject');
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Toggle is used to do the opposite of the current status of a relationship.

For example:
Since 1,2 and 4 are currently attached, when you use toggle it will be detached and 3 will be attached.

Run this http://localhost:8000/students/toggle/subject and this http://localhost:8000/students and the result should be:

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For best practices lets add the name of the pivot table to the model, and specify the two foreign keys with it (3rd = local key, 4th = foreign key)

go to Models/Student.php

public function subject()
        return $this >belongstoMany('AppModelsSubject','student_subject','student_id','subject_id');
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go to Models/Subject.php

public function student()
        return $this >belongstoMany('AppModelsStudent','student_subject','subject_id','student_id');
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It should work just like how it worked the first time!

Now let's try and add one more column in the pivot table.
Take note that we have already 1 extra column grade and we will now use it.

go to Models/Student.php

public function subject()
        return $this >belongstoMany('AppModelsSubject','student_subject','student_id','subject_id')
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go to Models/Subject.php

public function student()
        return $this >belongstoMany('AppModelsStudent','student_subject','subject_id','student_id')
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Now lets try and add grades to the student_subject table
Add this in controller and routes

public function grade_student_subject(){
        $student = Student::find(1);
        $subject = Subject::find(2);    
        $student >subject() >save($subject,['grade'=>90]);