This is Part 1 of our Laravel 8 Eloquent Relationships Tutorial
Let's create the laravel app erd app
composer create project laravel/laravel erd app
cd erd app
open .env and connect to your local database
php artisan serve
Then create students and profiles databases
php artisan make:migration create_students_table
go to app/database/migrations:
Schema::create('students', function (Blueprint $table) {
$table >id();
$table >string('first_name');
$table >string('last_name');
$table >timestamps();
copy and save
php artisan make:migration create_profiles_table
go to app/database/migrations:
Schema::create('profiles', function (Blueprint $table) {
$table >id();
$table >foreignId('student_id');
$table >string('email');
$table >string('phone');
$table >timestamps();
copy and save
run migration to create tables
php artisan migrate
check in your database if successful
Now let's create the models student and profile
php artisan make:model Student
php artisan make:model Profile
models should be singular while the table is plural
One to One Relationships
Go to app/Models and open the two newly created models
define the one to one relationship
in Models/Student.php
protected $fillable = [
public function profile()
return $this >hasOne('AppModelsProfile');
in Models/Profile.php
protected $fillable = [
public function student()
return $this >belongsTo('AppModelsStudent');
this will define the relationship between the two models
Create the Controllers and Routes
php artisan make:controller StudentController
go to app/Http/Controllers/StudentController
use AppModelsStudent;
public function index(){
$stu = Student::find(1);
public function store(){
$student = new Student;
$student >first_name = 'Dale';
$student >last_name = 'Lanto';
$student >save();
create routes in app/routes/web.php
Route::get('/students', [StudentController::class,'index']) >name('students');
Route::get('/students/store', [StudentController::class,'store']) >name('store');
in your browser go to http://localhost:8000/students/store to create 1 entry in the database
go to http://localhost:8000/students to check the models
it should look similar to:
Now lets create 1 entry for the profile
create new route
Route::get('/students/store/profile', [StudentController::class,'store_profile']) >name('storeProfile');
create new function in controller
public function store_profile(){
$student = Student::find(1);
$profile = new Profile;
$profile >student_id = $student >id;
$profile >email = '[email protected]';
$profile >phone = '7623423814';
$profile >save();
go to http://localhost:8000/students/store/profile to create 1 entry in the database
update the index function by calling profile from student
public function index(){
$student = Student::find(1);
dd($student >profile);
go to http://localhost:8000/students to check
it should look similar to:
Hurray! We have successfully created our One to One Relationship.
For best practices it is best to include the foreign_key and local_key/owner_key in the model.
Let's go to Models/Profile.php and change the code to this
public function student()
// return $this >belongsTo('Model', 'foreign_key', 'owner_key');
return $this >belongsTo('AppModelsStudent','student_id','id');
Now let's access the profile from the student model
public function index(){
$student = Student::with('profile') >get();
Click this link to proceed with the next tutorial One to Many Relationship!