L o a d i n g
Laravel CRUD example with vue3 composition api & jest unit tests BackEnd Development

Laravel CRUD example with vue3 composition api & jest unit tests

book store example app

We will be setting up an example laravel app with a vuejs3 frontend as well as typescript and unit tests for our vue components.

1. Set up laravel project

Let's set up new laravel project with new .env file

laravel new laravel online books && cd laravel online books
cp .env.example .env
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APP_NAME="Online books"

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Run composer install and migrate your database

composer install
php artisan migrate
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Set up laravel/ui scaffolding and scaffold ui

composer require Laravel/ui     
php artisan ui bootstrap   auth
npm install && npm run dev 
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Run your laravel starter app

php artisan key:generate
php artisan serve
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2. Models

Use artisan to generate our model with migration.

php artisan make:model Book  m
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create_book table migration

// database/migrations/202x_xxx_create_books_table.php 

public function up()
    Schema::create('books', function (Blueprint $table) {
        $table >id();
            $table >string('title');
            $table >integer('year');
            $table >string('genre');
            $table >string('author');
            $table >string('publisher');
            $table >timestamps();
public function down()
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Book model.

// app/models/book.php
class Book extends Model
    use HasFactory;
    protected $fillable = ['title' , 'year', 'genre',                                                   
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3. Seed the database with test data

you can skip this section but it's nice to have test data to start off.

php artisan make:seeder BookSeeder
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// database/seeders/BookSeeder.php
public function run()
    $authors = ['Terry A', 'Steven Price', 'John Smith'];
    $genres = ['Fiction','Non Fiction','Business','Horror'];
    $publishers = ['Publisher A','Publisher B','Publisher C'];

   for ($i = 0; $i <= 10; $i++) {
      DB::table('books') >insert(
           'title' => "Book title {$i}",
           'year' => rand(1995, 2021),
           'genre' => $genres[rand(0, count($genres) 1)],
           'author' => $authors[rand(0, count($authors) 1)],
           'publisher' => $publishers[rand(0, 
                             count($publishers) 1)]

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Call test data seeder in application database seeder

// database/seeders/DatabaseSeeder.php

public function run()
   $this >call([
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Finally, migrate and seed database.

php artisan migrate   seed
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3. Controllers and routes

Create the books controller (this will be our API).

php artisan make:controller Api/BookController   resource   api   model=Book
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Create resources and leave as is.

php artisan make:resource BookResource 
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Create requests and update the rules array as follows

php artisan make:request BookRequest 
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// app/Http/Requests/BookRequest.php
public function rules()
    return [
        'year' => ['required', 'integer'],
        'title' => ['required', 'string'],
        'genre' => ['required', 'string'],
        'author' => ['required', 'string'],
        'publisher' => ['required', 'string'],

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Now our controller to support CRUD operations.

namespace AppHttpControllersApi;

use AppHttpControllersController;
use AppHttpRequestsBookRequest;
use AppHttpResourcesBookResource;
use AppModelsBook;

class BookController extends Controller
     * Get all books
    public function index()
        return BookResource::collection(Book::all());

     * Store a book
    public function store(BookRequest $request)
        $book = Book::create($request >validated());
        return new BookResource($book);

     * Get one book
    public function show(Book $book)
        return new BookResource($book);

     * Update a book
    public function update(BookRequest $request, Book $book)
        $book >update($request >validated());
        return new BookResource($book);

     * Delete a book
    public function destroy(Book $book)
        $book >delete();
        return response() >noContent();

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Finally let's tie our controller to our routes.

// App/routes/api.php

use AppHttpControllersApiBookController;

// ... 

Route::apiResource('books', BookController::class);
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Now test this by hitting localhost:8000/api/books with your server running.

4. Set up vue3 frontend

I recommend that you use node version 12 as my set up is.